Getting Started 2021 Online, the introduction-to-business course, supports over 100 jewellery and silversmithing start-ups
On Friday 26th March, over 100 talented UK-based designers, designer-makers and skilled craftspeople in the jewellery, silversmithing and allied industries successfully completed the Goldsmiths’ Centre’s introduction-to-business course.
Held online for the first time in its 40-year history, Getting Started 2021 Online featured 23 industry experts sharing free practical guidance and advice through live webinars and talks, supporting young people and career changers from across the UK to get their businesses off the ground. 98% of the participants attended all live sessions, which added up to over 20 hours of guided learning, covering topics such as creative business planning, branding, costing and pricing, working with manufacturers, selling online to discovering new market opportunities.

Despite current circumstances keeping them physically apart, the 100 plus participants were able to connect with each other virtually through daily networking sessions, as well as linking up with the Goldsmiths’ Company Library, Collection and Assay Office, finding out how to access their resources.
“A big thank you for an excellent week. The course exceeded all my expectations, and I am going into this new week emboldened by lots of new information and a wealth of ideas. I am certain this experience will help me to get my business off the ground”
– Getting Started 2021 Online participant
The Goldsmiths’ Centre is committed to widening participation and access to its educational programmes. Open for the first time to non-graduates, the week-long course attracted learners from a variety of education and training routes, with half of the participants holding degrees, and the remaining 50% holding diplomas, including apprenticeships or other UK-accredited precious metal qualifications. Due to the new virtual format, participant numbers also increased from traditionally 30, when held at the Goldsmiths’ Centre to over 100 participants online. Following a review of the application criteria for Getting Started 2021 Online, the Goldsmiths’ Centre is delighted to see a larger and more diverse group of designers, designer-makers and craftspeople from across the UK benefiting from this year’s course, who may otherwise have not been able to participate.
“Delivering Getting Started 2021 online was our way of reaching out to new businesses across the UK and making them feel part of the Goldsmiths’ Centre’s community, at a time when we’ve all been forced to work in isolation”
– Chris Oliver, Head of Professional Training at the Goldsmiths' Centre
A specially selected cohort of Getting Started participants will be featured in the Goldsmiths’ Centre’s new Spotlighting initiative, involving further business skills training, coverage on the Goldsmiths’ Centre’s Instagram account (@gsmithscentre) and participation in a new series of online Meet the Maker events starting in Summer 2021.
For more information about Getting Started, click below: