Foundation Programme 2019-2020: First Interviews (Part 2)
The Foundation Programme is our full-time course for school and college leavers living in London or the South East. The Programme is a gateway into the prestigious Goldsmiths’ Company Apprenticeship Scheme, job or further or higher education course, providing young people with the core skills to begin working in jewellery, silversmithing and the allied crafts.
We sat down with five of our 2019-2020 cohort to discuss their first months of training and find out what they hope to achieve from the Programme.

What led you to apply for the Foundation Programme?
So coming to the Goldsmiths’ Centre started with me doing a bit of work experience up in Hatton Garden with London Artworks. My grandad runs a game shoot and he and David Marshall are really good mates because of that. David was looking for someone for his workshop and my grandad mentioned me, so luckily I found myself with three weeks of work experience. David recommended that I tried Foundation Programme, so I applied.
What’s been your favourite part of the Programme so far?
I’ve really enjoyed the chasing. And to be fair when we started spoon making I thought to myself “No, this isn’t something I’m interested in at all” but then, as we came to the end of it and you get to see your final piece you think “Well maybe that wasn’t too bad”. Though I’d still say chasing was my favourite so far.
What are you hoping to gain from being on the Foundation Programme?
I still haven’t made my mind up yet but in the end I’m looking more towards doing setting and becoming a setter. I’ve seen other people at Centre setting and it looks like something that I’d be interested in doing. Once I’ve had a go at it I know I’ll be able to tell whether it’s for me.

What led you to apply for the Foundation Programme?
Well, firstly I was really interested in fashion and I had been considering going to university to study it but the courses were really broad. I decided to look into jewellery. I’d looked at going to school in Florence in Italy. My Mum and I were looking for courses online and she found the Foundation Programme; a teacher at my school had heard of it, so I looked it up and applied. I knew it was one of the best ones because of the people I knew that had heard about it and were recommending it. I really wasn’t expecting an interview so I’m so happy to have made it.
What’s been your favourite part of the Programme so far?
I enjoyed the designing with Jenny and I’ve also really enjoyed the jewellery part where we’ve made rings and collets. When they’re done, silver spoons look really nice but it’s quite difficult holding the heavy hammer. Chasing with Rod was so nice but I’m don’t think it interests me as much. For me I just love design, I’m not exactly great at the maths of it but I love it.
What are you hoping to gain from being on the Foundation Programme?
Hopefully an apprenticeship, I’m not fully sure yet. Because I’ve had no experience with jewellery before, I want to figure out if this is for me and if so find out exactly which section I want to specialize in.

What led you to apply for the Foundation Programme?
I was studying History of Art and I had to do a personal investigation into a subject of my choice and I picked jewellery. I seeked out some work experience in Hatton Garden and one of the apprentices that I met there, Harry, was on the Foundation Programme two or three years ago. So from talking to him that’s what inspired me to apply.
What's been your favourite part of the Programme so far?
Probably at the moment it’s between jewellery and design. Silversmithing’s getting better, more and more as we go on. I’ve really enjoyed chasing and we’ve just been starting do engraving as well. It’s all been pretty positive!
What are you hoping to gain from being on the Foundation Programme?
I’m looking to learn and experience all the things that I can do, before I then decide what I want to do because I’m still not fully sure at the moment.

What led you to apply for the Foundation Programme?
I was doing an evening class in Malta on gold and silversmithing for three hours a week. We were given materials and tools and were able to make whatever we wanted. It turns out the mum of one of the previous students, Tara, was also part of the class, so I met her and she told me about the Foundation Programme. I was making I made a lot of rings and bracelets and ended up using one those bracelets to apply for the Programme.
What’s been your favourite part of the Programme so far?
That’s hard to answer, it’s all been great. I really liked the chasing, chasing’s very fun, it’s very particular and I like a challenge. I really enjoy the jewellery too. The spoon making… not so much, it’s a little bit too repetitive for me, a lot of the same thing over and over.
What are you hoping to gain from being on the Foundation Programme?
More experience really. I don’t really know where I’m going after this so I’m going to cross that bridge when I get to it and just enjoy this while it happens.

What led you to apply for the Foundation Programme?
So in my old school, there was a jewellery class. I was interested in it, but ended up taking graphic design instead. The teacher who ran the jewellery class had seen my portfolio of ideas from when I had shown an interest in the class and took a liking to them. Because my graphic design course was only three days a week, the jewellery teacher took me on for lessons on one day a week. She said I looked very at home in a jewellery workshop and suggested the Centre to me. I found the Foundation Programme and sent in my updated portfolio and the tutors seemed to like it.
What’s been your favourite part of the Programme so far?
Just until last week it was chasing because I guess I had a knack for it and I really enjoyed it, we had a really great teacher. But more recently collett-making has been getting better, I really get to put my heart into it and I’ve recently started an oval shaped piece that’s starting to look really good. I haven’t been too great at the rounder colletts but I’m improving at the other styles and that’s helping me to enjoy it as much as I am.
What are you hoping to gain from being on the Foundation Programme?
My initial idea was, because I’m very interested in precious metals and stones, to be a setter so that I would get to work with those materials. But, I definitely think my feelings are going to change. I’m very much enjoying making materials to set into, like colletts. I’d say right now I’d definitely choose setting but I think continuing to improve on the ability to make things to set into is going to give me a more options to consider.