Fifth and fullest edition of Jacobs the Jewellers’ young jewellery designer competition launches
A successful collaboration with the Bishopsland Educational Trust, the Goldsmiths’ Centre, HS Walsh and Jelly Arts
#silverdesign @jacobsthejewellers @bishopsland_uk
@goldsmithsco @GsmithsCentre @hswalshandsons @thejellyreading
Jacobs the Jewellers, Reading’s oldest independent jewellery retailer, this week announced the start of its annual Young Designer competition with 2019 seeing the largest field of entrants in its five-year history.
The 4-week event based in the renowned Reading store features live craft demonstrations and a VIP winners’ event at 2.30pm on Friday 28th June leading into the ‘Open for Art’ event in the town centre the following week.
With a record-breaking 27 entries being exhibited in store, early visitors have been amazed at the craft, skill and imagination on show at Jacobs from this talented group of emerging artists.
14 emerging designers at The Bishopsland Educational Trust, a jewellery design postgraduate skills provider based in South Oxfordshire, are showing in competition one new silver design and one piece of jewellery at Jacobs the Jewellers, in the heart of Reading town centre. Open to the public between 10th June and 8th July, visitors in the first 3 weeks will be able to vote for their favourite designs.

On Friday 28th June, at 2.30 pm several of the younger makers will be demonstrating traditional craft skills in store at Jacobs. At 3.30pm votes will have been tallied: the winners will be announced with the events’ supporting partners. The winner of each category will win a £250 voucher to spend on tools to further their career, the runner up £100.
The last week of the exhibition joins with Reading’s established ‘Open for Art’ programme, curated by Jelly Arts, in showcasing art in unusual spaces.
The annual competition has been made possible for the Bishopsland Educational Trust through the initiative, co-operation and support of Jacobs the Jewellers, the Goldsmiths’ Centre, Jelly Arts and HS Walsh. All parties are supporting this competition with a clear commitment to the craft and artists of Bishopsland Educational Trust not to mention Reading as a creative centre in the South East.
Key timings and photo opportunities:
- 10th June 12pm: launch of event
- Photocall 28th June 2.30pm to 3.30pm: live demonstrations, artists and VIPs with announcement of winners at Jacobs
“It’s hard to believe our competition is 5 years old and we’re amazed to see so many entries, with all at such a high standard. I know our customers are so excited to see these new talents at such early stages of their careers. I’m grateful to all our partners for their support in creating such a great event.”
– Adam Jacobs, partner, Jacobs the Jewellers

“The Goldsmiths’ Centre is delighted to be supporting a competition which chimes with the charity’s mission to support young emerging makers. We congratulate the 14 designer makers taking part in this year’s Young Designer competition and look forward to seeing their exceptional craft on display.”
– Peter Taylor, Director of the Goldsmiths' Centre

“We are excited to see months of hard work by the young silversmiths at Bishopsland come to fruition ending with a special exhibition at Jacobs the Jewellers. This unique opportunity for our designer-makers to work in silver and have it displayed in such a prestigious location at this early stage in their career is unrivalled.”
– Rachel Jones, Workshop Manager of Bishopsland Educational Trust

“We are excited to see months of hard work by the young silversmiths at Bishopsland come to fruition ending with a special exhibition at Jacobs the Jewellers. This unique opportunity for our designer-makers to work in silver and have it displayed in such a prestigious location at this early stage in their career is unrivalled.”
– H S WALSH'S Andrew Wilgress

“We’re delighted that Bishopsland and Jacobs the Jewellers are once again celebrating as well as promoting young designers of the future.”
– Jelly Director Suzanne Stallard